Our Fragrance Expertise
There is a lot of scientific and technical fragrance expertise that goes into the creation of new fragrances. From the process of isolating exact chemicals and fragrances, to the evaluation of the constituent parts that make up a fragrance. Our fragrance experts are here to help guide you through the process. From creating a brief for your fragrance project at the design stage, through to providing samples, testing and evaluation; our talented fragrance team are here every step of the way.
Our Technical Fragrance Expertise
Our team of Research Analysts work closely with Evaluators & Perfumers to create and refine a unique fragrance oil that fits your product specifications.
Our analytical expertise consists of using state-of-the-art technology, including Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectroscopy, headspace analysis and extraction with thermal desorption. We have an extensive fragrance library, which comprises of over 7,000 fragrance oils and perfumery materials. The knowledge contained within our fragrance library is a key part of why we are so good at what we do.
Health and Safety
Quality Control and Health and Safety are fundamental requirements of what we do. Our company policies and operating procedures are regularly revised and updated in accordance with legislation and regulatory requirements.
Click here for more information about the regulatory requirements we follow.